Thursday, December 17, 2009


Jailbreaking your device is the first step in becoming an adept iPodista. It is the portal to all underground stuff that you'll ever want and need.

Jailbreaking is simply the process of unlocking the core system of your device, to allow external non-Apple-approved applications to be installed. Once jailbreaked, you can perform tasks such as SSH, file transfer, theming, and more; tasks which are not enabled by Apple by default.

The process is pretty simple, you will need some fundamental tools such as:

  • iTunes 9x
  • USB/Firewire Cable
  • .ipsw Software Update Package
  • and an iPhone or an iPod
To jailbreak your iPhone, follow this guide:
To jailbreak your iPod Touch, follow this guide:

Good luck, and welcome to the underground!